Friday, October 25, 2013

Doggy Dentist Trip

We finally did it!! We took the dogs to the vet to get their teeth cleaned. We try to keep up with brushing their teeth but because we adopted Manny so old and his teeth are so little, he ended up with a lot of plaque build up and we were sure some of his poor teeth were starting to rot (at least that's what it smelled like)

Manny's Before Pictures

 Yuck!! Poor Boy!

Buffy's Before Picture

She's not as bad because we adopted her when she was an older puppy.

And Manny's after pictures. Poor boy had to get 3 teeth removed.

His missing teeth :(

And Buffy's after shot

Yay! Clean teethies!

I went and picked them up from the vet and they were still in the awkward stage of sleepiness but excited to see me.

Awww cute puppies!

All over it needed to get done... Bad! Especially for Manny and his health. Even though he's missing some teeth now, it's for the better. They are both back to normal, eating right again, and are currently chewing on some raw hides!

Fall Break Fun!

Finally!!! Last week was fall break and I got a whole week away from school; it was amazing :) Justin's parents came and visited us from Wednesday night to Saturday night. We had so much fun together. On Thursday and Friday, we spent time around here in Cedar and St George. Justin had to get a few inspections done in St George so Justin's parents and myself were able to catch up with Justin's cousin, Gary and see their new baby. On Saturday we went back down to St George and spent time in Snow Canyon with Ryan and Justin's parents. Snow Canyon is beautiful and I want to go back and hike all the trails with Justin!

We went to the outlook of Snow Canyon first and ate some lunch.

Then we all piled into our Subaru and went into the park. We borrowed Gary's all park pass to get it!

We hiked a few trails and it was really cool because most of the trails were sand and rocks. Felt very adventurous :)

The first trail we took was Jenny's Canyon. It was a very easy trail that was short, but the view inside the canyon was beautiful. It's so amazing the different creations that are out in nature.

The next trail we went one was the Three Ponds trail. We tried to find the 3 ponds only to find out it was a seven mile trail. We gave up about half way through... it was so hot and sandy and yeah... I wanted to go to Mesquite.

The boys thought they would be funny and make of video of their "journey" up the mountain.

Yeah that's the trail! Good Luck! 

 After we finished hiking we went back to Gary's house and picked up him and traveled the 30 minutes to Mesquite for an evening of fun. I really love going there! Justin and I can spend and evening by ourselves or with friends cheaper than we can in Cedar. We aren't big gamblers and don't play the slots or the tables too often, even if we do.. it's only a couple of dollars. I really love playing bingo with everyone. The quiet but tense atmosphere.... Oh man I love it! 

I was so close!!

 Justin won a $100! Yay! That got put right into savings for a very special purpose.

We now have a lovely collection of bingo markers! I have to bring them in a caddy like all the super hard core bingo people. I love bingo!! 

So there it is... my fall break!