Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Day 5-7

Yeah.. Things get very busy around our house! Justin made it back from Arizona yesterday afternoon and got a chance to relax before he went into work this afternoon. He even was nice enough to go grocery shopping with me yesterday (Believe me.. That's huge!)  So here are days 5-7 :)

Day 5- Something you want to say to an ex

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to really learn what I wanted and did not want in a future spouse. Thank you for teaching me what it was to love and be loved. I had so amazing times with you, especially for how young we were. I am so amazed that we stayed together as long as we did. Thank you for making my time at school great!

Day 6- Your view on main stream music

Bahahaha coming from a music major! Main stream music is just how music has evolved through out time. From classical came jazz, from jazz came rock, from rock came pop... It's just how the music as evolved. To each his own, if you like listening to it... go ahead! If you don't.. the don't listen to it and don't condone those who are.  It does really bother me though when people write comments on music videos like "People who lived in the (Insert some random year of the 90's) would be so ashamed to hear this music" or "This isn't music.. real music is (Insert some random singer from a decade)"  My statement to all those people is... Classical music was once popular music too. Many composers had women throwing panties on their stages too! And I'm sure the music from your era was once the hated music because it was new and popular. Seriously.. grow up and look at the other amazing traits of main stream music.. Like to complexity of the rhythm, creating their own tuning for instruments, complex key signatures!

Rant done! :)

Day 7- 5 Pet Peeves

1) The entire public bathroom is empty and a random women has to use the stall right next to me -_-
2) People who have no idea how to use the self check out while I'm trying to get it and out. Don't bring produce there if you can't figure out how to type in the code!!
3) People who don't know how to use a 4-way stop correctly
4) People who take up the whole entire aisle, with their cart, in the grocery store
5) People who try to "beat you" while turning left and you are going straight. Yes.. I did feel like dying today so you can show your buds how amazing you are that your car is fast and can turn on the highway 10 seconds earlier. PS I have a brand new car... it's pretty fast too!