Monday, October 31, 2011

Puppies and their costumes

I got bored yesterday and decided to make some costumes for the dogs for Halloween and beyond (not because Justin and I like to dress them up *shifty eyes*) They looked just adorable!

I made Buffy a zombie dog costume from Justin's zombie shirt. I made her a tutu as well but I guess I didn't get a picture of it

Manny got a superman cape. I went looking for a superman patch but Joann's didn't sell any :( I'll find one!
And just because the dogs are always in weird positions when they sleep... we were able to catch one so we can share it with you guys!

Love my dogs!

Zombie Walk!

Justin and I were super duper excited that we moved to a town where they did a Zombie Walk for Halloween.. Ok it was actually a fundraiser but it was still tons of fun. Around 5:30 Justin was just too excited to wait any longer so we started the transformation into Zombie. This is what we ended up with!

My shirt says I <3 Zombies :) I found it at Hastings and bought it for me because Justin loves Zombies! 

We were walking from a pizza joint to the local comedy club that was sponsoring the walk. Just about 2 1/2 blocks. At 7:30 we pulled in with about 70 other people and we began the walk... in a balming 37 degrees. Luckily I had a longer shirt under my tee shirt and my jacket.. but someone *cough cough* didn't want to bring a jacket and he froze a little.

Frozen Justin! 

In the end it was a ton of fun and we even got free admission into the comedy club that night.. which we didn't stay for. But we did go to Wendy's and enjoy some delicious spicy nuggets and frosty's :)

I know its dark but it was dark outside :) 

Saturday, October 8, 2011

New House

Well I lied during the last post.. we are no longer renting that house! Turns our it has electric heat and I quickly looked again at the rental list and saw that most of their houses to rent were electric heat and were kind of weird looking. I went back and looked at the different rental companies again and went with one that I was leery about going through because of the lack of pictures. But their deposit was very reasonable compared to other companies and I was able to googlemap the houses. I went and looked at two houses pretty close to each other and Justin and I decided (through text message videos) to go through a house at the end of a cul-da-sac. It gave a bigger yard and privacy because only one neighbor and there is no one living on the other side of the duplex at the moment.

The lovely picture taken from my phone. But that is the house we are renting :) 

 It is a 3 bedroom/2 bathroom house with a huge back yard (I'm excited about having a fenced in back yard, cant you tell) And as you can tell from the picture...not a lot of yard work either :) I'm kind of excited that we are moving away from the apartment feel and into a house. We ever have to shovel the sidewalk and drive way! Yay! Although I'm sure come winter time it will get old fast. 

So this week everything happens! Justin and his parents are getting the truck on the 11th and filling it that night. Then the 12th they are starting the train of cars and trucks to Cedar City. They are staying with the family I'm staying at for the night. Then Thursday Justin is signing his half of the lease, getting the keys and starting to unload the truck while I'm at school. I am so excited to not have to travel an extra 20 minutes to the place where I am sleeping and staying. Saving gas as well! Now time is going to go by slowly.. I know it! But before the week is through everything will be settled down here! 

I'm sure I'll be taking a million pictures of the move!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Starting out!

       Since Justin and I are starting our new lives as adults (I guess we were before but now we have careers and not just jobs). A few weeks ago I was offered the job to be the band/general music teacher at the Gateway Preparatory Academy in Enoch Utah and of course I accepted. Hey.. someone wanted to hire a first year band director with only student teaching experience... of course I was going to take it  :) But that meant that we had to figure out how I was going to get down here. The school needed me as soon as I could get there, so I packed up what I needed and moved down here to Cedar City, UT while Justin stayed in Shelley with his mom to finish packing the apartment. So I was left with the daunting task of finding us a place to live! I think I found a house that we are going to move into for a few months until we figure out where we want to buy a house. Can you believe it... We're going to buy a house!! We were pre-approved for a loan but we are going to wait a few months before we decide how much we want to take out. Luckily Cedar has a ton of nice foreclosures that we are looking at! (Hey why not get a nice house for a 1/3 of the price!)
       Justin will be down here in a couple of weeks and he will (hopefully) start working. There is a hospital that email Justin about hurrying up his application so they could push the paperwork through for him. Sounds like they want him to me! It would be the first time in our lives together that we will have two steady incomes coming into our family at once.
Needless to say we have list of things that we want to buy!
  1.  Another TV
  2. A couple of recliners
  3. A new couch
  4. A nice Sleigh bedframe (well that's what I want)
  5. Saving for a down payment 
  6. Is there anything else that matters??
Work is going well. I've been at it for a whole week now and it's going great :) I teach 2 band classes and 3 general music classes a day... maybe a kindergarten class thrown in here or there. I have a beginning and an advance band with both about 12 students in them. Oh boy... the previous teacher left me with a mess. The students are no where near where they should be. So I have to basically start from the beginning with both bands. General music is fun! I have never taught this before so it's quite a new challenge but and exciting challenge.

                                                           This is the school I work at!

The house I'm looking at renting is cute.. oldish but quirky and cute.There's a tree growing in the house! It has tons of kitchen, living room and dining room space so I was instantly sold on it. I can live with the brown carpet for a while :)


Well that's all the pictures I can add.. The rest aren't loading properly! But yeah.. I think its a cute home and it will work until we find a house to buy :)