Sunday, April 29, 2012

Felt Food Kiwi Tutorial

I actually remembered to take pictures while I was sewing the kiwis.It's similar to this one here. This is my tutorial for them.

Green Felt
White Felt
White Embroidery Floss
Black Embroidery Floss
Green Embroidery Floss
Small amount of Poly-Fil or Felt scraps 

 I used those tiny glass bowls (The ones for spices when cooking) to make the white portion. The green was cut out using a drinking glass.

Sew the small white circle to the green circle using different lengthen stitches with the white embroidery floss.

              Sew in small stitches with the black embroidery floss around the white circle to make the seeds

Fold the circle in half and close with either a blanket stitch or a whip stitch. I used a whip stitch just because it's a little easier. Leave a hole for the stuffing

Stuff the kiwi with a small amount of poly-fill or scrap felt pieces. Make sure to push the stuffing into the corners. I like to leave my needle in while I'm stuffing, but feel free to knot it off while stuffing

                         Finish up by stitching the hole closed by continuing the whip stitch or blanket stitch
                                                             Looks good enough to eat :)

I have hopped on the bandwagon

After seeing them on Ikea's website, I decided to start making some felt play food. I'm going to put it away for a later date. They are very simple to make and don't take up much time. I usually sew them while Justin and I are watching TV. Everything is hand sewed with embroidery floss separated into two strands instead of the six.  You can easily sew them on a machine if you would like.

I still can't believe that for the price I paid for all of the supplies to make these was the same price as one 9-piece set from Ikea. Thank goodness for Joann's having a felt sale and my teacher discount. Go me!

These are the ones I currently have done and I still have lots more to do! Thank goodness I have the summer off :) They aren't perfect but I'm very proud of them!

Apple Slices

Banana. The peel comes off and you can slide the banana out. 

Grapes (Ugh this took forever)

Kiwis (Tutorial to next blog post)

Lemon Slices

Orange Slices



Fried Eggs

Sliced Bread
Sleepy Buffy. She wasn't too excited that we were up :)

If you would like a tutorial on any of them please let me know and I will make one up for you!

Day 2-4

Sorry.. Things get really busy around here especially when Justin is leaving for the weekend :)

 Day 2: Name something you feel strongly about

Me: I feel strongly that every child should have a chance to grow up in loving house, receiving a good education, and given the chance to explore the world and learn things for themselves

Justin: Keeping my family healthy and safe

Day 3: A book you love

Me: Make fun of me if you want... But I am totally in love with "The DaVinci Code". I feel in love with it before it because super popular and everyone one reading it everywhere... -_- I think it is an amazing fictional story. I do not take it as historical fact and no one else should too. It's a story... just a story :) Rant done!

Justin: Anything Orson Scott Card :)

Day 4: Bullet your day

Me: Although the day isn't over with I can tell you what I'm going to do.
- Wake up
- Feed dogs, piggies and myself
- Be lazy and upload pictures and do a million blog posts
- Cutout and sew curtains
- Clean piggies cage
-Watch Family Guy in reverse order (from season 9 to 1)
- Load dishwasher
- Clean Clothes
- Get ready for school tomorrow

That's it.. pretty boring :)

I don't know for Justin because he is currently in Arizona visiting his family!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day 1

As promised (I'm surprised I even remembered) here is day 1

5 ways it win mine and Justin's heart...
Seeing as how we are already married I think he's won my heart and I his already but its fun :)

1) Just accept me for me and don't try to change me
2) Gotta love music and my music nerdiness
3) Accept that will not only be a house wife
4) Left me keep my Family Guy Dvd's and let me watch them
5) Accept my past and mistakes that I have made

1) Food
2) Sex
3) Taco bell

He couldn't even come up with 2 more... Such a man but I love him!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

We had a productive day in band today!

It's the two week testing period at our school and most of my classes I only have a few students in each. So to make it a little easier on my students we are doing something fun while having light rehearsals/individual practice time. Today... This is what we did

It was just so funny that I had to take a picture :)

Can you tell it's pretty early in the morning and this looks liked a mug shot :)

I have decided (and I'm making Justin do it with me) to do a 30 day blog challenge. Hopefully it goes well and remind me to update everyone a little more often :)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Bryce Canyon

Justin needed to do an inspection in the middle of no where Utah, so we decided to make a whole day of it and see some of the sights that we've been meaning to see since we got here. We stopped at Cedar Breaks and Bryce Canyon.

That's right.. 10,000 ft

Pretty warm for being that high up
Cedar Breaks! The pictures don't do it justice

We had to do a picture.. It was freezing

They didn't shovel -_-
Middle of no where Utah.. and there's a church..

So this was the area Just had to do his inspections.. That dirt road.. right there

Showed up on our Garmin! Dang Garmin
 Bahahahahahah people who take the wrong road to Bryce Canyon

 For my MIL
 Natural Bridge
Believe me.. I was tempted.

Just some random updates and pictures

So... In the middle of March the lovely company Jiffy Lube killed my Chevy S-10. The person who changed my oil did not put the plug back in properly and the oil slowly leaked out over the next few weeks. Justin took the truck to do inspections up north and the plug totally came out and lost all the oil. Justin had to drive the car a few miles to get into cell phone service to call a tow truck. If the gauges worked on my truck properly then we would have known sooner. Thanks Jiffy Lube... Justin and I wanted to buy a new car anyway, we just had to do it a couple weeks sooner than we wanted to. We bought a brand new 2012 Subaru Impreza from a dealer in St George. We looked at a couple of used cars too and well.. the payments we going to be the same whether we bought a new or a used car so of course we went for the new at it's lovely 2.9% interest rate (vs. 9% for the used). You will see the pictures of it later

Justin and I have also talked about buying a house in 6 months. We are looking to stay in Cedar City or near my school in Enoch. :)

Justin is now working two part time jobs and is loving every minute of it. He works an average of 4-5 days a week between the two jobs. Justin is working at the hospital in the food service. He does a little but of everything. He is also working as a home inspector for insurance companies. He did the same job in California and he was very lucky to get the same type of job in Utah. His area is the lower counties in Utah but he ends up going up north to the smaller towns as well.

The dogs and piggies are all doing great and loving being here in the Cedar :)

Manny.. My handsome boy :)

Buffy and three of her millions of faces

Nutmeg.. my fatty piggy

Coco... my baby :)

Baby!  She's getting so good at laying down with her frozen legs

One of my favorite things about living so high up on the mountain is the fog :) And the new car is nice too!

I love how the mountains just disappear