Friday, November 25, 2011


Justin and I traveled to Justin's home town to have Thanksgiving with Justin's parents and family. Justin though decided that he wanted to drive so he could take the dogs and the little baby with him and he *cough cough* wanted to stay a few extra days in California. I flew from Vegas so I could get there faster and leave when I needed to so I could go back to work.

For the past few weeks, Justin's been putting together the menu for Thanksgiving and Justin and I cooked it.

Justin getting all the recipes ready 

Yeah... There's me cooking the sausage and veggies for the stuffing

 Intense.. I know!!

There we are! Can you totally tell I'm sucking on a Lindt Chocolate Ball!

Almost all done!

We made turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes (My recipe :P ), glazed carrots, green beans, stuffing, rolls, cranberry jello salad, pistachio salad and of course pies galore!

                                                                     Yay Turkey! 

Most of the food.. It continued around the counter

Then we finally all sat down and enjoyed a great dinner!

Flattering picture... I know.. 

But it was all worth it!

We've got to have the goof picture! 

Ok.. one good one! 

All of us together!

Friday, November 18, 2011

New Foster Piggy :)

Justin and I are really into fostering, rescuing and adopting for all animals but mostly guinea pigs :) We were at the local pet store one day and noticed that one of my students floating through the store working... Then it clicked Oh his parents own the store. We always check out the state of the animals to determine whether or not we want to give that store our business. I know I know.. But we've dealt with some horrible pet stores before. We were looking at the piggies and we noticed that one of the baby girls was holding her foot up, grinding her teeth and screaming every time she was picked up. Justin and I knew right away what was wrong.. She had a sprained foot from being dropped wrong or being picked up wrong. Most people don't know and its unfortunate when this happens. So we talked to the owner (my students mother) and told her that she was hurt and asked her if she wanted us to volunteer our time and watch over her and get her better.

We instantly fell in love because she looks just like Ginger did when she was a baby. So we brought her home, made sure she ate and did Piggy Physical Therapy to keep the swelling down and her leg moving. But the poor girl is scooting around because she doesn't have full function of her foot yet. She is getting along great with our girls (well most of them...) and is starting to show some improvement. We still aren't sure whether or not the damage is permanent but only time will tell with that.

All we know.. if we weren't there at that day she probably would have died or been hurt even more than she would have been.
We will make sure to keep you updated on all her improvement :)

Justin's Early Christmast Present!

Justin got super duper excited and went spice crazy on the Spice House website and even bought me an early Christmas Present. This was his wrapping :)

                                                         Lovely Wrapping.. I know!

So remind you... This is something that I've wanted for a long time, ever since I've started making my own Chinese food and chicken nuggets at home.

                                                        That's Right.. Its MSG :)

Yay! I can actually make my food taste more like restaurant food!