Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The last days before school starts up again!

That time of year has happened (Dun dun dun). It's already time for me to go back to school! I had once quick meeting yesterday and caught up with some friends while I was there. I officially start on Wednesday with my week and a half of training and time to get my room clean. I figured I didn't need 8 full days to get my room ready so I'm using part of this time to pick up my clarinet that is speciously gathering dust in my craft room. Justin has also picked up another area for his New/Renewal inspection company. He has officially been given an area that he's been doing since he started to job, Ely, NV and the surrounding areas! It's about a 3 hour (ish) one way, but it barely takes any gas in our new car. The company still pays him extra for going out there and they will pay for gas too!
Last Friday we took a trip out the Ely to get an inspection done and had some fun along the way. Well, as much fun as you can have in the middle of no where Nevada.

The road turned red just on the board of Utah and Idaho. Justin said it was because we were in a state park, but the park was will 11 miles away. Cool but who knows why it's there. 

Outside of Ely is a big windmill farm! I've always though that windmill were pretty, especially to see them all moving at the same time. These windmill were Ginormous. Every once in a while you can see the truck drivers trying to bring a blade through Ely and it's so funny to watch them make the tight turn on to the highway that these are one.  

On the way home one of my favorite things about living in the west happened! A thunderstorm but you can see the rain falling from miles and miles away! It is always a pretty site to see and I'm lucky enough to see it happen all the time!

I got bored on Thursday and did this too my dogs (I may or may not have seen it on pinterest)

I laughed for 3 days straight until I washed it off their faces!

Yesterday Cedar had hours and hours of rain, which we desperately needed. Luckily I don't have a basement to flood and we have a storm drain in our (rock) yard. Some of my other friends we not so lucky :(
The upside to the hours of rain was a beautiful rainbow that happened very near my house. We could see both ends of the rainbow.

 Hi Volvo! 

All of these pictures were taken from my porch! The rainbow was so beautiful! It didn't last very long so I'm glad I got some pictures of it before it started raining again.

Last day before I start school officially and I have a feeling I will be doing school stuff and purging the house. Justin and I are hoping to share some very very very exciting news in a few weeks! Keep your fingers crossed that all works out and we can get something we've always wanted! 

One more picture! 
My cuties snuggling on the chair with Justin!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Ny trip part 2

I got my egg bagels agains! Yummy! The West is missing out on a lot of good food!
For Justin! He loves his Dr Pepper 

                                                   At Pageant.. Gotta love the protesters

                                    It's the hipster missionary. His pants were way to tight!

  The hotel had a bar and that's where they served the breakfast. Another item checked off my list

                     Is this seriously a urinal in the women's bathroom?? Who would sit on that?

                                                      At the Outdoor market in Rochester

                                            Oh look.. cheap underwear and bras?? Uhh??

                              Oh look you can buy a swim suit?? Oh outdoor dollar stores

                                                                     It's a $5 machete

                                                                      Freda Mary?

 Yeah.. this looks safe. Expires food left out in the hot sun! Proof is right there in the picture below.

                                                    Hahahah.. Shoupies instead of Sharpies

                                                                         Asian Tide..

                                                 Justin has his own line at Old Navy

                           This is an McDonald that has a horse hitch for the Amish! Love it!

                                An actual Amish, not a 17 year old trying to dress like one -_-

                                                     Hey look I have my own soap brand

                                          Hahahahaha I love the caption for the lingerie

                                                           I thought the cloud sheet was pretty

Dear women.. please cut off the rest of your hair. It's not pretty.. It doesn't look good! and walk down the jetway faster.. some of us wanted to get settled.

So there is it.. NY!

Ny trip part 1

We got home from Lake Tahoe on a Wednesday and I flew out on Thursday night to see my family back in New York. Justin and I left in the morning so we could do quite a few inspections in St George and some in podunk Nevada. We had to about 28 inspections (all pre-forclosures) in St George and 4 new/renewal ones in Nevada. It was nice that we had time to do that on the way down to Las Vegas. We stopped in Henderson to see my friend and her family was nice enough to feed us dinner before I left and Justin left to go back to Cedar. I left from Las Vegas at 11:30 pm and did a red eye (Not my fave but I'll deal with it so I could spend some time with Justin before I left). I got into Elmira, NY around 8:30. I was dead tired but glad to be there.

            I finally got to use the new ketchup packets! I was stoked! Another item checked off my list.

                                              And I got my Hollenbeck's Sub!! Finally!!

                                                  Why would you need a pouch of ketchup?

                         Leslie and I in the movie theater.. they had awesome recliners for seats

                                                                         There's my dad!
                                                                              The Cabin

                                             My Grandma has her entourage of ducks!
 It took me a second to realize what it was, but it's a fake dog/wolf thing to keep the geese away


                                                                           Little Ryan and I

                                             The wildlife we saw.. a deer that was tagged
Part 2 is coming up next.