I kept my family's tradition of going to a Christmas Eve service. I chose to go to a Presbyterian. Justin was still sick and coughing all the time so I went by myself. We had a simple a lunch with
Here are some pictures... Nothing too excting, just a normal low key Christmas in the Doyle's household.
Buffy always looks cute in her bows :)
Unwrapping presents.. I know I look so awake!
Manny and his sweater! Yeah he was
Yay.. finally a decent sized pizza cutter!
Buffy being Buffy
They opened up their present. Bacon flavored treats! Even Jack wanted to get in!
Our "charlie brown" fake Christmas tree
Buffy.... Silly Girl
Poor Manny trapped in the chair covered in paper
Haha.. the Christmas ears came out
The Baby! She's doing great!
Ok.. One bad picture is allowed.